Inbound Customer service representative Game-changing job training

jobs for High-School Grads to train as a customer service rep starting $20,500 - $36,000 a yr?

I can help you because I managed CSRs for 24 years for a Fortune 50 company. I KNOW what makes CSRs good and what makes CSRs great. I WILL help you step-by-step to get your life & career transformation.

Customer Service Representative Certificate Course

Get the (Free Mini-Course) version here to try before you buy to see if this is for you.

Your new Game-Changing-Plan is….

Outcome 1. Earn your CSR Certificate to help with your resume & get your comprehensive training to help you stand out and be able to bring value to employers.

Outcome 2. Then learn exactly how to leverage your certificate and training to ace your interviews to get hired as an inbound CSR.

Outcome 3. Get hired. Then be more effective on the job to help you excel faster in your career as a CSR.

Your Transformation - Be more prepared on the job than your peers resulting in less stress and helping you start your adult life.

Feel the satisfaction of smoothly pivoting from your student life to your adult life by getting hired and excelling in an entry-level inbound Customer Service Representative job paying $20,500 to $36,000 per year for non-college-bound students. ( 11/7/2020 w/H.S. diploma)

You will learn the hundreds of insider secrets of being a successful CSR in a weekend that should help bring you lifetime of value and proven valued business skills.

Who does this Help? Is this for you?

  • Perfect for High School Grads to get a fast start
  • Parents of Grads wanting a 1st corporate job
  • Single parents needing a job from home to save money
  • Downsized Employees (COVID) for a new start
  • People wanting a part-time job for extra money
  • People wanting a solid backup career plan.

Get the benefits from the exact steps on how to get your (3) outcomes and (1) transformation and get your certificate in a weekend. Then start your new life on the job in as little as a few weeks. Not kidding.

The recommended "preview Mini-Course" is free. However, if the full course with the certificate helps you get a job at just the minimum $20,500 per year, then, doing the math, the full pays itself in less than your first 11 days on the job.

How to invest $1 and get $40 back?

In other words, if you pay $500 for something and you get $1000 in return, then you doubled your money. That's cool, but hold my beer. The minimum job this course helps you get is $20,500 for your $500 investment. $500 X 40 = $20,000. So, if you get the minimum salary in the range, you get 40 X your $500 investment back. Those are the real numbers. Now, do you see how this can pay for itself AND give you a lifetime of value?

In this course, we focus more on how you can use this same solid logic to help your company and customers, which makes you more valuable to both.

The 30-day guarantee makes this even better. Give Free-Mini-Course a try to see if this is for you. More importantly, see if you think this course can more than pay for itself by double or more?

This free-mini-course is a sample of the full of actionable interviewing and job tips that you should use to ace your next interview & have less stress on your new job. Just watch the videos, follow the steps, & practice.

The Customer Service Agent job is the documented #5 most advertised job title in the world of the 44 job categories, per data for eight years. So the jobs are there.

Better yet. The CSR title is the #1 most advertised job category that traditionally hires non-college-bound students. If this is you, this may be a perfect option. This course helps you qualify for some percentage of those jobs.

The full "Customer Service Representative Certificate" course is a laser-focused comprehensive inbound CSR job training course with a certificate. This CSR Certificate course ABSOLUTELY the real deal and effective. This course helps you get hired and do better once you get the job to make you life better.

Click on this page to get this free mini-course. Consider giving this a try. Even the free mini-course had loads of proven, effective, and actionable corporate tips to help you.

As a bonus, you get the lessons on "the steps on how to get promoted," "phone etiquette for CSRs," "business etiquette," and an "intro to business acumen." For even more value to you AND your new employer, which makes you more valuable. See how that works? The plan is for you to become the most desirable job candidnate in the interview process.

So on your next interview, show your interviewer your CSR Certificate. Then tell them you have had phone etiquette training, business etiquette training, and intro training on business acumen. And then watch their eyebrows go to their forehead. That is how you truthfully and skillfully set yourself apart from the other interviews to ace the interview. You will learn what to say and what to do to increase your chances of getting hired. You will soon see it's even better than that.

This whole course brings value to you and also to your new employer. Join in on the fun with your peers on your new job.

Hi, my name is Mike Dunn. Since I managed and worked with Customer Service Representatives for 24 years for a Fortune 50 company, I can teach you the exact steps on what to do and what not to do to be successful as an Inbound CSR. I CAN help you get there faster and easier. I can.

The Free Mini-Course is an excellent course sample that exceeds all expectations
. However, In the full course, with these training competitive advantages and certificate; in your career, you will be playing chess, and your peers will be playing checkers.

It will make work MORE FUN, and you should be more valualble to the company. Being more valuable means more respect and usually more money.

Imagine the confidence you will have by knowing what to do and what to say in many cases at work.

Just as important, learn how to avoid many stressful or career-ending mistakes. Why repeat the "highly painful" rookie career mistake of me and others? This course lists many common mistakes. The cost savings of avoiding just one significant mistake FAR exceeds your investment in the course.

Both help you make and save more than the investment many times over. The math is way in your favor, and the numbers are stunning.

I KNOW I have the knowledge to help you. I KNOW I CAN help you. I am WILLING to help you. I want to be your "guy."

Mike Dunn

Author - Customer Service Representative Certificate Course | Owner - Game Changing Busienss Skills, LLC

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